BNY Mellon

Putting a price on retirement
A framework to explain to clients how they may approach retirement spending.
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Financial Advice
Building resilient multi-asset portfolios
Identifying companies with quality attributes can help build resilient multi-asset portfolios.
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Financial Advice
Will the market optimism continue?
There are three factors that account for much of the divergence between US and European economic performance in 2023, but they are unlikely to be repeated in 2024.
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What's the right risk for retirement?
Retirement clients might have limited resilience when creating an investment strategy.
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Financial Advice
The changing face of retirement
Uncertain markets, challenging economic conditions and increased regulation are making retirement advice more complex.
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Helping clients calculate retirement spending
From holidays to hobbies, and bills to budgets, there are lot of factors for clients to consider to ensure they maintain comfortable living standards in retirement.
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Financial Advice
Not out of the woods yet
Markets are assuming a soft landing in 2024 but there are a number of reasons why it might not play out that way.
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Investment Management
Technology should not be an afterthought for advisers
Embracing technology may become a competitive necessity for adviser businesses.
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Financial Advice
Value is back in IG credit
Elevated bond yield levels and an improving picture for investment grade bonds could bode well for fixed income investors.
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Financial Advice
Investors must stay the course in equity market
Long-term focus on investment in high quality companies could help investors secure longer term gains.
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Investment Management
Unpicking opportunity in the right asset class
A shifting inflationary picture is influencing asset classes and portfolio management.
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Financial Advice
Is there good news ahead for value investors?
The economic impacts of deglobalisation, normalizing interest rates and the return of inflationary pressures could help value investors.
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