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Consequences of a new mortality trend
Understand the trends and drivers for future changes in mortality to make more informed judgments on the future of your defined benefit pension scheme.
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Unlocking mortality trends: A key to better outcomes
Clearer insights into mortality trends can help ensure better outcomes for members, trustees and sponsors of defined benefit pension schemes.
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Isio’s 2024 Professional Independent Trustee Survey
Now a regular industry fixture, Isio's survey is back for its fourth edition. Professional trustee firms have had another busy year – both servicing existing clients with high levels of activity and managing...
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TPR Annual Funding Statement 2024
The Pension Regulator's 2024 Annual Funding Statement shows most schemes have seen material improvements in funding levels and calls for trustees and employers to reassess their long-term objectives.
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Putting a price on retirement
A framework to explain to clients how they may approach retirement spending.
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Understanding the impact of ‘pot for life’ proposals
Proposals to introduce member choice and stapling in workplace pensions in the UK have the potential to profoundly change the market for savers, employers, and providers.
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Strategies for Winning the Endgame
This paper from VLK aims to broaden the thinking around the pensions endgame, acknowledging that buyout is the Gold Standard, but simultaneously raising the question “is it the be-all and end-all?”
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What's the right risk for retirement?
Retirement clients might have limited resilience when creating an investment strategy.
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Pension transfer decision making
Transferring pensions is a complex and risky decision, but one that people may make rapidly, focusing on near-term benefits over long-term value.
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CDC: Developing a framework for the next government
Collective defined contribution (CDC) offers savers many benefits. At its heart, it has the potential to offer savers higher, and more certain retirement incomes.
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Helping clients calculate retirement spending
From holidays to hobbies, and bills to budgets, there are lot of factors for clients to consider to ensure they maintain comfortable living standards in retirement.
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The shifting landscape of DB pension schemes
Given the importance of DB pensions to savers and to the UK economy, it is crucial to examine the challenges and opportunities they pose to scheme members, trustees, employers and The Pensions Regulator....
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