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Not all private credit is created equal
Not all credit investments are the same; discover why distinguishing between different types of credit is crucial for effective portfolio management.
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Building better: Opportunities for DC schemes to invest in the climate transition through real assets
By investing in climate-aligned real assets, defined-contribution pension schemes can help propel the transition while also potentially benefitting from portfolio diversification and attractive risk-adjusted...
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Timberland’s expanding investable universe
Explore the portfolio-level benefits of timberland allocation.
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Propelling the climate transition
Aviva Investors bring you the latest insights on how real assets investing can drive the climate transition.
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Addressing retirement funding for Generation X
The oldest Gen Xers are set to turn 60 in 2025, retirement is rapidly approaching, and their resiliency is being tested in a new way. Professional investors only.
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Real asset investors see returns in sustainability
Real asset investors continue to favour environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors, especially sustainability in real estate, according to Aviva Investors’ Real Assets Study 2024.
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Ensuring future retirement adequacy
Many individuals are having to make difficult adjustments and tighten belts in retirement.
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There is a rush for professional trusteeship
With the growing burden of pension regulation and closure of defined benefit schemes, trustee boards are becoming increasingly professional and turning to commercial trustee firms for support.
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Trustees need to reassess their long-term objectives
DB schemes have seen significant changes over the last couple of years and, for many, the improvement in funding levels has been a significant turning point.
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Consequences of a new mortality trend
Understand the trends and drivers for future changes in mortality to make more informed judgments on the future of your defined benefit pension scheme.
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Isio’s 2024 Professional Independent Trustee Survey
Now a regular industry fixture, Isio's survey is back for its fourth edition. Professional trustee firms have had another busy year – both servicing existing clients with high levels of activity and managing...
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Unlocking mortality trends: A key to better outcomes
Clearer insights into mortality trends can help ensure better outcomes for members, trustees and sponsors of defined benefit pension schemes.
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