We found 139 resources matching your search…

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CDC: Developing a framework for the next government
Collective defined contribution (CDC) offers savers many benefits. At its heart, it has the potential to offer savers higher, and more certain retirement incomes.
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Helping clients calculate retirement spending
From holidays to hobbies, and bills to budgets, there are lot of factors for clients to consider to ensure they maintain comfortable living standards in retirement.
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The shifting landscape of DB pension schemes
Given the importance of DB pensions to savers and to the UK economy, it is crucial to examine the challenges and opportunities they pose to scheme members, trustees, employers and The Pensions Regulator....
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DC schemes need a post-gilts crisis call to action
The retirement 'cliff edge' can have a profound impact on members.
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IFoA publishes climate modelling report
The Institute and Faculty of Actuaries has published a report urging policymakers to consider climate ‘ruin’ in their decision-making, and for financial services firms to update their climate models and...
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Q&A: What it takes for private markets to really solve your problems
Increasing complexity requires a nuanced approach.
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How does impact fit into an institutional portfolio?
Sifting through the different interpretations.
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Real assets in a shifting landscape
Professional Pensions and Aviva Investors bring you the latest insights on real assets, from demand patterns to key investment drivers
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ESG beyond climate: What else is on the agenda?
Guidance for pension trustees on climate-related governance and reporting obligations.
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What could effective pensions engagement look like?
The Pensions Policy Institute (PPI) has released an independent research report – What could effective pensions engagement look like?
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Barnett Waddingham: Transfer value experience - Q4 2023
Barnett Waddingham has analysed defined benefit (DB) cash equivalent transfer values (CETVs) over the twelve months to 31 December 2023.
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Ten things you should know about OCIO
What is a OCIO and what should you look for in a provider? Find out here.
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