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Financial Advice
How are homes in the UK being decarbonised?
Decarbonising home heating is one of the most difficult challenges remaining on the journey to net zero, particularly in Europe.
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Financial Advice
Short duration high yield is offering an attractive entry point
With interest rate volatility likely to continue, Muzinich & Co explains how investors can insulate their credit exposure while potentially generating compelling returns via an allocation to short-duration...
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Financial Advice
Impact of Gen-AI on infrastructure software
All the latest trends for investors to consider on Gen-AI.
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Financial Advice
Swimming against the tide of ESG pessimism
True sustainable investors are setting their sights beyond the immediate horizon. Professional investors only.
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Financial Advice
Addressing reinvestment risk through short-duration credit
Falling interest rates will lower future returns on cash. Muzinich & Co explain how an allocation to short-duration corporate bonds could offer protection against this reinvestment risk.
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Financial Advice
An investor's definition of a 'great' company
The value of a business is the amount of money it will create for its owners over its lifetime, but working out what that figure is beforehand is complicated.
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Financial Advice
Lack of dispersion supports ‘up-in-quality’ bias in credit
Muzinich portfolio manager Ian Horn looks what at investors can learn from comparing mean and median credit spreads, and explains why current market conditions favour quality over beta.
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Financial Advice
The top trends in client portfolios
Discover the common tilts and biases across client portfolios in a shifting market.
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Financial Advice
Bridging the digital physical divide
Wealth management firms have traditionally built their reputation on client service, how this is changing in the digital world?
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Financial Advice
We are in a transition phase for equity markets
Equity markets are at an interesting junction with a soft landing environment and a desynchronised economy. What can investors expect?
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Financial Advice
Amid a hung parliament, should investors hang around?
The second round of the French election still delivered a shock result: the far-right National Rally was pushed into third place in a result that triggers days if not weeks of negotiations between the...
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Financial Advice
Getting the balance right between digital and in-person interactions
Making interaction as personalised and professional, as well as representative of your brand, is extremely important. How can do you that online and face-to-face?
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