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Financial Advice
Unlocking key trends and opportunities with AI
Consumers have adopted AI for day-to-day tasks but how is it being used in the world of business and finance?
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Financial Advice
Personalising the customer conversation
There's a number of different ways to think about client engagement.
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Financial Advice
European credit losing appeal versus US
Growing political risk and lower credit spread premium is lessening the attractiveness of European credit, says Muzinich & Co.
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Financial Advice
Cutting through the noise of passive funds
When you're picking passive investment funds, there are a wide range of options.
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Financial Advice
Turning the tide on England’s water pollution crisis
Understanding the sources of pollution, why they happen and how the water crisis can be solved.
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Financial Advice
Biggest challenges for companies integrating climate risk
With climate-related events increasingly impacting financial stability, central banks and regulatory bodies are working hard to integrate climate risk considerations into risk management and regulatory...
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Financial Advice
No one size fits all in private markets
Regulation is generally a good thing but applying public market styles to private markets can be problematic. Professional investors only.
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Financial Advice
Creating first impressions online
The secret to enhancing digital hospitality isn’t merely to employ the latest technology but to create a holistic and engaging digital ecosystem that resonates with your customers’ needs, wants and preferences....
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Financial Advice
Waiting for the next big leap in European private credit
The rise of private credit in Europe has been accompanied by consistent returns and low defaults.
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Financial Advice
Time is money: Using AI to improve cost optimisation
As a commodity producer, for example, any downtime due to equipment failure comes right off of the top line.
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Financial Advice
What can financial services learn from retailers' shift to online?
Industries across the world have seen rapid digitalisation and have had to adapt to shifting consumer behaviours and preferences, and the retail sector is a key example.
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Financial Advice
TCFD is a huge opportunity for asset managers
As investors consider the impact of climate change on their portfolios, it's important asset managers adapt to evolving disclosure requirements.
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