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Investment Management
Spotlight on enzymes and microbes in decarbonisation
'Enzymes are critical for converting grains like corn into fuel-ethanol for biodiesels.'
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Investment Management
Is it just bubble talk?
While markets may be hitting new highs, there are still areas that are cheap.
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Investment Management
EU regs to ensure sustainable funds are fit for purpose
Getting to grips with sustainability-related terms in fund names following ESMA update.
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Investment Management
Is inflation 'stickier' than previously thought?
The threat of more persistent inflation challenges the previous narrative of lower inflation leading to lower interest rates - the latest CPI update showed a rise of 3.5%, compared to 3.2% the previous...
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Investment Management
Potential for a 'standout year' for cloud, cybersecurity, 5G and genomics.
There are clear tailwinds for technology themes in 2024.
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Investment Management
Rewiring the global economy for a net-zero world
The transition to an electrified and more energy-efficient world demands a new set of products and industry know-how.
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Investment Management
Concerns over market bubble may be overblown
Investors may be questioning whether now is the right time to buy with markets reaching new highs.
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Investment Management
Should investors dive into the blue economy?
A significant share of the global economy depends on ocean and clean water resources; yet, sustainability issues present a challenge for development.
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Investment Management
Lagging effect of tightening monetary policy will weigh on credit
The overwhelming demand for credit has provided a strong tailwind but caution is warranted.
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Investment Management
Key factors to consider when selecting thematic investments
Water, robotics, artificial intelligence, carbon capture and cryptocurrency are all popular themes - but what do investors need to consider before taking a thematic approach to investment?
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Investment Management
Three views on industrials
There are signs of optimism in industrials, artificial intelligence is having an impact beyond tech companies, and EVs could still be a viable investment.
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Investment Management
Are Low Inflation Expectations Overly Optimistic?
As the downward trend in inflation continue, inflation could reaccelerate after nearing Fed target.
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