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Investment Management
How will deregulation affect house prices?
How will Labour's deregulation policies impact the UK property market?
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Investment Management
When private equity would be laughed out of the boardroom
Many large investors across the world have been re-allocating funds away from public markets, and into private assets – be those private equity or private credit vehicles.
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Financial Advice
Biggest challenges for companies integrating climate risk
With climate-related events increasingly impacting financial stability, central banks and regulatory bodies are working hard to integrate climate risk considerations into risk management and regulatory...
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Financial Advice
No one size fits all in private markets
Regulation is generally a good thing but applying public market styles to private markets can be problematic. Professional investors only.
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Investment Management
The sectors ripe for disruption under Labour government
The Labour Party’s UK election victory could trigger major change for some areas with its new industrial strategy, green prosperity plan and wider investment commitments.
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Financial Advice
Public markets shrinking: are investors missing out?
While private equity holdings are not valued in the same way as public companies, there are several different ways to arrive at an accurate valuation picture.
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Investment Management
Why regulation could be the silver lining for CP and money market products
Regulators have been increasing their scrutiny of the markets since the March 2020 Covid-related liquidity crisis.
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Financial Advice
Are retail investors right for ELTIF 2 funds?
The European fund industry is looking at how European Long-Term Investment Funds (ELTIF) fit in retail portfolios.
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Investment Management
The Conservative Party Manifesto
Tories reject capital gains tax hike as British ISA proposals absent from manifesto.
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Investment Management
Lib Dems pledge fair deal
The Liberal Democrats pledged to protect the independence of the Bank of England, keep inflation at 2% and introduce a national financial inclusion strategy.
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Investment Management
Green Party election manifesto
Green pledge to change the BOE's mandate to make the sustainability transition a central objective.
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Investment Management
Labour's manifesto pledges change
Labour pledges to stop the chaos, turn the page, and start to rebuild.
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