Investing in companies undergoing net-zero transition can drive positive change. While the journey may be complex, short-dated high-yield bonds offer a promising way for investors to achieve both financial...
The emerging market universe is so diverse that geopolitical headwinds are part and parcel of the investment landscape. This often drives the same volatility that can be used to generate returns, says...
The key question for investors now isn't whether to shift funds from cash to bonds, but how to do so strategically. Given the current geopolitical climate, election cycles, and fiscal deficits, market...
Are bonds set for a comeback as a portfolio diversifier? Schroders explores how changing market conditions may be creating new opportunities for fixed-income investments.
Fixed income funds have recorded their ninth consecutive month of inflows, highlighting growing investor confidence in bond markets despite ongoing economic uncertainties.
Inflation is trending in the right direction, with core goods and supercore services deflating slightly month over month- but shelter remains sticky. What does this mean? Professional investors only.