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Investment Management
Tighter credit spreads are not deterring investors
Despite a market trend to tighter spreads, there remain interesting sector wide opportunities in investment grade, particularly in Europe.
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Investment Management
Uptick in green bond fund flows
The ESG label has become heavily scrutinised, and there has been an increase of funds removing references to ESG in their names, as well as a steady drop in new launches of ESG or sustainability-named...
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Investment Management
Priorities for the new government
As markets come to terms with the new government, what is a key focus for investors?
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Investment Management
Stronger for longer in multi-asset credit
With fears of an economic hard landing abating and rates expected to stay higher for longer, can a greater allocation to high yield boost multi-asset credit returns?
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Investment Management
Fallen angels and rising stars
How can skilful investors use ratings to take advantage of market swings?
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Investment Management
Opportunities in UK post-election
As widely expected, the Labour party won a convincing majority on 4 July elections and its leader Sir Keir Starmer becomes prime minister. While stock markets might once have taken fright at a Labour government,...
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Investment Management
The sectors ripe for disruption under Labour government
The Labour Party’s UK election victory could trigger major change for some areas with its new industrial strategy, green prosperity plan and wider investment commitments.
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Investment Management
How will the election impact UK gilts?
With the election result now in, should investors expect more of the same or brace for volatility? Chris Iggo, Chief Investment Officer, Core Investments at AXA IM unpicks what investors could expect....
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Investment Management
The widening spread premium that is becoming hard to ignore
With credit spreads compressing in recent months, Muzinich & Co looks to uncover where investors can still find value.
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Investment Management
Will central banks ‘engineer’ a recession to return to 2%?
Returning to 2% inflation is not going to be easy. But what is not being openly discussed is that we might not be able to get back below 2% without a severe recession. AXA IM Core CIO Chris Iggo explores...
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Investment Management
Three Fed scenarios, same result
Does it make sense to add duration to portfolios?
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Investment Management
What are the risks in dividend strategies?
Dividend yield can be one of the main reason's to include a stock in a portfolio.
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