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Investment Management
Bond fund managers are confident in European banking sector
After two major crises - he Global Financial Crisis in 2009 and the European Sovereign crisis in 2011 - European banks are making huge profits for the first time in decades.
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Financial Advice
Concerns over market bubble may be overblown
Investors may be questioning whether now is the right time to buy with markets reaching new highs.
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Consequences of a new mortality trend
Understand the trends and drivers for future changes in mortality to make more informed judgments on the future of your defined benefit pension scheme.
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Investment Management
Digging into the complexities of investing in commodities with a sustainable lens
Can a systematic approach to sustainable investing be adopted by commodity investors?
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Investment Management
Green bonds are consolidating their lead
Green bonds are back on the rise due to an increase in sovereign issuers who prefer the green format.
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Financial Advice
How to streamline your digital client engagement
Learn strategies to elevate you client interaction and add gravitas to your digital brand experience.
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Financial Advice
Lagging effect of tightening monetary policy will weigh on credit
The overwhelming demand for credit has provided a strong tailwind but caution is warranted.
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Financial Advice
Forging initiatives to create a more dynamic and engaging digital presence
How firms are collaborating to create a unique and interactive digital environment tailored to its clients and prospects.
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Investment Management
Popular themes in the green bond universe
Signs of a significant ramp up in transition bond issuance over the next decade.
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Investment Management
Tables turn for the ugly duckling of ESG
The chemical industry is difficult to reconcile with responsible investment but many companies within the sector are doing more to assess the effects of their products on the environment and health.
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Financial Advice
Unlocking data potential
In recent years, its become clear the ability to maximise the potential of data when managing portfolios is a key factor that separates successful asset managers from those that fall by the wayside.
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Investment Management
Is it just bubble talk?
While markets may be hitting new highs, there are still areas that are cheap.
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