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Nest Insight

Our mission is to find ways to support low- and moderate-income workers to be financially secure, both today and into retirement. We conduct rigorous, cutting-edge research, working collaboratively with industry and academic partners to understand the needs and behaviours of the new generation of savers created by the UK’s pensions auto enrolment system. We also consider how self-employed workers and others at risk of missing out on pension saving can be brought in. We use our data-driven insights into this wide range of financial challenges to identify and test practical, real-world solutions. Our findings are shared widely and freely to help inform industry and policymakers so that people around the world can benefit from our work.
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Financial Advice
Powerfully boost people’s saving
Saving money for an emergency is important, yet, more than 1 in 5 people in the UK hold less than £100 in savings.
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