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iShares by Blackrock

At iShares, we believe investor choice is a bedrock principle of free and open capital markets. Taking a fresh look at portfolios requires investors to make choices, from broad asset allocation, to thematic or sector tilts, to product selection, to frequency of rebalancing. With over 2,500 iShares ETFs and index mutual funds — more than any other firm — we’re able to provide investors with more choices to access more segments of more markets than ever before. Millions of people are choosing iShares to gain efficient access to markets in the same way as our wealth management and institutional clients as they look for more ways to customise portfolios. The technology of ETFs and indexing has empowered investors of all types all over the world, reduced complexity by enabling people to pick a high-quality diversified index rather than sift among thousands of securities, as well as provided access to hard-to-reach markets. Providing people with the freedom to choose where and how to invest in a convenient and affordable way is resonating.
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Investment Management
Why is thematic investing becoming increasingly popular?
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