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Lombard Odier

At Lombard Odier, our mission is to be the private bankers of reference for entrepreneurs and their families. Not just today, but for the long-term. Generation after generation. We aspire to be an innovative bank of choice for private and institutional clients seeking a tailored, sustainable approach to wealth and asset management. By creating sustainable value for our clients through innovative investment solutions, our vision is to become the leading independent firm for sustainable investing. Founded in 1796, we have grown stronger through 40 financial crises, not by standing still and waiting for them to pass, but re-evaluating. We constantly rethink the world around us to provide a different investment perspective for our clients. Our group is solid and strongly capitalised, with a highly liquid balance sheet that is conservatively invested. Our capital ratio is more than double the level required by our regulators and we do not rely on external sources of debt. Today, we look after CHF 358bn of total client assets (as of 31 December 2021).
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