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Investment Management
UK's return to growth piles rate rise pressure on BoE
Azad Ganzana looks at how better-than-expected May GDP number should further pressure Bank of England to up the pace of interest rate rises.
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Investment Management
Net-zero implementation must have a social conscious
In this Schroders video, Investment Director of Sustainability, Katie Green, delves into Schroders' approach to a just transition.
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Investment Management
Macron wins French vote
Blackrock explores what Macron’s re-election means for the European financial and political landscape.
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Investment Management
Value has returned to high yield
High yield bonds are cheap by historical standards and offer a compelling buying opportunity.
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Investment Management
The key to managing high yield in volatile markets
Fundamental research is imperative as macro headwinds rise.
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Investment Management
Are the COP climate summits working?
The world has already warmed to around 1.1 C above pre-industrial times. So, are the COP climate summits working?
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Investment Management
A divided US government is likely to bring legislative gridlock
Investors should focus on fundamentals, not political changes.
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Investment Management
Our food and water crisis
If energy insecurity remains a big problem for many countries today, the food and water crisis represents an even bigger problem.
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Investment Management
The half-written story of climate change
The fight against climate change is a story half-written, and so far, big, powerful economies have mostly been the ones to tell it. That needs to change.
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Investment Management
Economic backdrop shapes BlackRock's equities preferences
BlackRock justifies its strategic asset preferences and discusses capital market assumptions for the months ahead.
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Investment Management
This economic cycle is different
Unique circumstances mean there are no clear cut lessons from history, making this economic cycle particularly hard to categorise.
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Investment Management
Patience is the name of the game
Fixed income has seen historic drawdowns, but Schroders take heart in future opportunities and believe that fixed income now offers a singular opportunity for longer term investors.
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