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Investment Management
Is inflation 'stickier' than previously thought?
The threat of more persistent inflation challenges the previous narrative of lower inflation leading to lower interest rates - the latest CPI update showed a rise of 3.5%, compared to 3.2% the previous...
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Investment Management
Potential for a 'standout year' for cloud, cybersecurity, 5G and genomics.
There are clear tailwinds for technology themes in 2024.
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Investment Management
Should investors dive into the blue economy?
A significant share of the global economy depends on ocean and clean water resources; yet, sustainability issues present a challenge for development.
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Investment Management
Key factors to consider when selecting thematic investments
Water, robotics, artificial intelligence, carbon capture and cryptocurrency are all popular themes - but what do investors need to consider before taking a thematic approach to investment?
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Investment Management
Three views on industrials
There are signs of optimism in industrials, artificial intelligence is having an impact beyond tech companies, and EVs could still be a viable investment.
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Investment Management
Are Low Inflation Expectations Overly Optimistic?
As the downward trend in inflation continue, inflation could reaccelerate after nearing Fed target.
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Investment Management
How to capitalise on emerging trends in green bonds
Biodiversity is the next frontier for green bond expansion and offers investors untapped opportunity.
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Investment Management
Can strategic fixed income positioning unlock higher yields?
Fixed income investors are in a phase where rate cuts are the next big move to play for and strategic fixed-income positioning can help unlock income and returns in a rate-cutting cycle.
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Investment Management
The US economy has defied recession. What now?
A “soft landing” is undoubtedly positive, but there are reasons to be cautious.
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Investment Management
What does higher for longer mean for private equity?
Private equity holds strong despite "3D Reset" causing inflation and interest rate hikes.
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Investment Management
What's the outlook for investors in decarbonisation?
Market sentiment has soured on environmental stocks and this is creating new opportunities to get exposure to parts of the economy expected to grow fast as the energy transition progresses.
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Investment Management
Connecting people to water: A vision for a conservation movement
Aquatic alliances can work to support ocean sustainability.
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