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Financial Advice
Green bonds are consolidating their lead
Green bonds are back on the rise due to an increase in sovereign issuers who prefer the green format.
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Financial Advice
Popular themes in the green bond universe
Signs of a significant ramp up in transition bond issuance over the next decade.
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Investment Management
Through the lens of a CIO
Lots of comparisons are being made between current markets and the 1990s, while private markets gain increasing focus.
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Investment Management
How has sustainable flows fared compared to conventional funds?
Appetite for sustainable funds has been dampened since the glory days of 2020 and 2021, but certain funds are still gaining traction.
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Financial Advice
Decarbonisation and AI drive demand for copper
Investors are predicting higher demand for the commodity due to the role it plays in the AI revolution and greening of the economy.
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Financial Advice
Rewiring the global economy for a net-zero world
The transition to an electrified and more energy-efficient world demands a new set of products and industry know-how.
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Investment Management
How investment firms can share a sustainable future
Asset and wealth management firms can play a vital role in driving the UK’s green recovery and help address some of the biggest problems facing the world.
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Investment Management
ESG due diligence is gaining traction in M&A
A recent global survey of dealmakers reveals a striking consensus: conducting environmental, social, and governance (ESG) due diligence is now indispensable for M&A transactions.
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Investment Management
Could ESG reporting rules spark an EU-US trade war?
The incoming sustainable disclosure requirements could prompt a troubling battle ground for both sides of the Atlantic.
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Investment Management
Three reasons the bond comeback will continue throughout 2024
Increased optimism for fixed income investors. Professional investors only.
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Investment Management
Digging into the complexities of investing in commodities with a sustainable lens
Can a systematic approach to sustainable investing be adopted by commodity investors?
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Investment Management
Tables turn for the ugly duckling of ESG
The chemical industry is difficult to reconcile with responsible investment but many companies within the sector are doing more to assess the effects of their products on the environment and health.
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